Out Of Hours

111 is the new free easy-to-remember number to call when you need medical advice when the surgery is closed.

If you require a doctor in an emergency always ring the relevant health centre telephone number.

Out of surgery hours you should call 111.

Devon Doctors

Devon Doctors provides the Out of Hours Service for patients living in Devon. This is manned by a team of doctors, including many local GPs. If you call for help during the evening or overnight, your call will be dealt with by experienced message handlers.

You will be able to speak to a GP who will assess your problem. Instant advice can be given and that may be all that is needed.

The Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital

You may be invited to attend the treatment centre at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital. You will be told exactly how to reach the hospital. This Centre is properly equipped, and has drugs and equipment readily to hand. This makes it easy to assess your condition and treat you. It may be possible to treat you on the spot, and it may avoid the need to go to a chemist. The Centre is open at varying times and by appointment only.

A home visit will be made it if it is decided that your condition or illness prevents you attending the Treatment Centre.

If it is a medical emergency, the message handlers and doctors will send an ambulance out to you.

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